Solutions and projects


  • Many source files are referenced in various projects. You should not delete, move or rename any directory/file. You could lose a needed source file.
  • There is no compiled files in this archive, except external serializers for the Benchmark.
    You have to compile the projects you need.
  • The projects/solutions were made under Visual Studio 2013 (when possible) and 2017.
  • Some solution directories contain additional information in text files, please read them.


In the archive, the base directory of the libraries is \Source\DLL\.

For example, if you want to compile the DLL for .NET 4.5, open its solution:
\Source\DLL\NET 4.5\UniversalSerializer for .NET 4.5.sln
And compile it

Then reference the compiled DLL in your own solution from here:
\Source\DLL\NET 4.5\UniversalSerializer for .NET 4.5\bin\Debug\UniversalSerializer 3 for NET 4_5.dll

All libraries at once

Alternatively, You can compile all libraries at once:

  1. Install Visual Studio 2017 or later, Xamarin, Xamarin Forms, the Android SDK, and the UWP framework.
    You may consider installing the Android Studio first, and the API 27.
  2. Decompress the source code archive of UniversalSerializer.
  3. Open this solution:
    Source\DLL\All DLLs as Release\All DLLs as Release.sln
  4. Run the solution (the default project is "Copy DLL files").
  5. All the libraries will be built and copied to this directory:
    Source\DLL\All DLLs as Release\DLLs


  • A benchmark is available here:
    \Source\Benchmark\UniversalSerializer Benchmark.sln
    This application compares resource consumption of 9 serializers, including 3 variations of UniversalSerializer (producing binary, XML and JSON files).